How to Solve a Magic Square
How to Solve a Magic Square This is a magic square. The objective of a magic square is to put a number in each of the boxes. (The numbers must have an arithmetic sequence pattern.) However, there is a catch. The sum of each row, column, and diagonal must be the same. Now try to solve it. Solution: Solving the magic square can be pretty tough, but by knowing the right strategy you can make it a lot easier. This strategy will work on any magic square with an odd number of boxes on each side. I will demonstrate this strategy with a 3 by 3 magic square. First, you must put a 1 in the top middle square. Then, put the 2 a right diagonal above the 1. However, there is no box there, so put it at the bottom of the column it is above. Then, put the 3 a right diagonal above the 2. However, there is no box there, so put it at the far left of that row. Next, try to put the 4 a right diagonal above the 3. However, that spot is already occupied, so put the 4 one box under the...